Email: emmanuel.gruzman@gmail.com
Emmanuel graduated with First Class Honours in a Master of Science in Sociology from the University of Antwerp in 2015, while researching affordable and social housing at the University of Tasmania. This included a Parliamentary Internship Scheme which was sponsored by Rebecca White MP on the Better Housing Futures stock transfers in Tasmania.
In the course of the Parliamentary Internship Emmanuel wrote an extensive report with recommendations concerning the possibility of title transfers to follow management transfers of public housing to community housing providers with the Better Housing Futuresscheme. The report also included the implications of possible title transfer on the State’s balance sheet and credit rating. This quantitative and financial analysis was possible due to his experience as a professional for 10 years in international business.
Emmanuel wrote his master thesis on affordable and social housing with a detailed quantitative analysis for the capacity of land value tax in Tasmania, a first and original endeavour at quantifying land value tax in Australia. This important thesis was immediately recognised for its high quality and was therefore presented to the Minister for Human Services in Tasmania and its Shadow Minister whom have expressed their appreciation for the substantive analysis and rich content in the master thesis.
Emmanuel holds a Rabbinical Degree, a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Master of Science in Sociology which he graduated with First Class Honours. He is currently evaluating various propositions for a PhD on the topics of affordable housing and public policy.
Skills and expertise
- Quantitative analysis using Excel and SPSS22
- Qualitative interviews and formulation of questionnaires
- Financial analysis and evaluation
- Land taxation and its implications
- Public policy implementation and evaluation
- Community land trust regulations and formation
- Better Housing Futures transfers in Tasmania
- Negotiating at high level with various stakeholders